13 Oktober 2023 - Service AnnouncementChange to Adobe ETLA accounts planned for 17.10.2023 between 21:00 and 05:15 CET by Adobe incl. possible software unavailability

On 17 October 2023 between 21:00 and 05:15 CET there will be a new update for Adobe software users. The changes affect the admin console and the user accounts of the Adobe ETLA programme. Currently, all Adobe accounts assigned at Heidelberg University or managed by the URZ are Adobe ETLA accounts. This means that all Adobe software users are affected by this change.

This change was initiated by Adobe and could not be postponed or rejected.

The subject of the change is an upgrade to the new Adobe ESM (Enterprise Storage Model) storage model. All user accounts that are currently created as "Personal Profiles" will be converted to so-called "Business Profiles". Currently, all profiles are "Personal Profiles".

During the changeover, the software is expected to be down for approx. 2 to 3 hours. Adobe has given us the time slot between 21:00 and 05:15 CET for the conversion.

According to Adobe, there will be no loss of memory, but we strongly recommend that you back up all files stored in the cloud before 17 October 2023 and then refrain from using Adobe Cloud if possible.

Your account will be logged out during the process. You will then have to log in to the software again. When logging in, it may happen that you:

1.    have to choose where your current cloud data should be stored in the future. We recommend that you do not store your data in the cloud. Nevertheless, the business profile "PC- LRZ-Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg" should be selected here (in the example Stark Industries Profile).

2.    you can choose between two or more profiles. To be able to use the software with a licence and in full, you must select the business profile "PC- LRZ-Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg" (in the example Company Inc).


According to Adobe, errors may occur during the migration, which may lead to a temporary blocking of the account. The Adobe engineering team supports the update process and treats errors as CSO (Critical System Outage) for immediate resolution. Therefore, please report any problems to us promptly, stating your log-in name, under:


so that we can pass on the information.

We have also reserved technician capacities for the day of the change in order to help you as quickly as possible should there be any open questions or problems.

If you have any questions, please contact us in advance at the above e-mail address.