SupportIT for Researchers

Digital foundation for knowledge acquisition

The Computing Centre offers a range of services for the collection, processing and storage of large volumes of research data. Thanks to a federation concept, researchers at Heidelberg University have access to various high-performance computers all across Baden-Württemberg, which they can use for their scientific work. A high-performance storage service coupled with supercomputing resources provides ample space for your research data.

The HPC experts at the URZ are happy to offer you personal advice on using our research-related services and support you in all of your endeavors. You can also learn more about our services and network with other users in our regularly held Community Forum Data-Intensive Computing.

More information about HPC Support

Community Forum Data-Intensive Computing

The Community Forum Data-Intensive Computing (DIC) is an exchange and information meeting for current and future users of DIC services of Heidelberg University. These include the bwHPC computing resources and the state service SDS @ hd - Scientific Data Storage.