16 March 2023 - Campus and AdministrationStudents’ Energy Price Allowance: Application information

The Students’ Energy Price Allowance Act came into force. According to this law, students are entitled to a one-off payment of 200 euros to relieve the effects of the increase in energy costs. The prerequisite is that on 1 December 2022 you were enrolled at Heidelberg University and had your residence or habitual abode in Germany on the specified date.


Frau lächelt während sie zwei Hände hebt, mit welchen sie ein koreanisches herz andeutet


All info on how to apply can be found on the linked website.

If you are unable to register at https://eppsg.uni-heidelberg.de but believe you are eligible to apply, please email studium@uni-heidelberg.de (subject line: EPPSG One-Time Payment).