How-toSetting up an Instmail account in Apple Mail

The following is a short set of instructions on how to set up a Heidelberg University instmail account in Apple Mail for macOS. An email address with the institute abbreviation “alumni” is used as an example.

1. a) Please start "Apple Mail". The welcome dialog box will open and offer the option of setting up an email account.

b) You have already set up an email account?

Then, in the panel at the top, please click on: “Mail” | “Settings” | “Accounts” | "+"-symbol

Screenshot: AnleitungInstmailAppleMail_Schritt1

2. Please select “Add other account” and then on "Continue".

Screenshot: AnleitungInstmailAppleMail_Schritt2

3. Enter your first and last name in the “Name” field. In "Email address", enter the following:


Important: Here and in the following instructions, please always replace the placeholder institute-abbreviation with the correct institute from your email address.

Example: For the email address max.mustermann[@], alumni is the correct institute abbreviation.

Next, please enter the matching password and click on "Sign in".

Screenshot: AnleitungInstmailApplemail_Schritt3

4. In “Email address” and "Username", please enter the following: first-name.last-name@

Please select “IMAP” as the account type.

Under "Incoming Mail Server", please enter the following:

Under "Outgoing Mail Server", please enter the following:

Next, please enter the matching password and click on "Sign in".

Screenshot: AnleitungInstmailAppleMail_Schritt4

5. Select "Finish".

6. You can now find your emails in Apple Mail.

Screenshot: AnleitungInstmailAppleMail_Schritt5&6